Upgrading ASM manually to version

Upgrading ASM manually to version

Due to a bug in Oracle upgrade process it is impossible to upgrade ASM 10g to ASM 11g using the GUI. The proposed method uninstalls ASM 10g and installs ASM 11g from scratch.

1.      Ask a UNIX admin to create a new disk called “dummy” of any size at the same location as the rest of the existing Oracle data disks. It will be used during the installation.
2.      Download  the following file containing ASM


3.      Shutdown ALL databases, listener and ASM instance on the target box.
4.      Save the old /usr/local/bin/dbhome and /usr/local/bin/oraenv to some backup location just in case we’ll need them later on.
5.      As a root, go to the old $ORACLE_HOME and run the following command in order to unregister ASM 10g and stop all ASM-related processes :

localconfig delete

Make sure that no oracle processes are running afterwards.

6.      Add the following entry to /etc/oratab :


7.      Remove the +ASM entry from /etc/oratab completely

8.      Create a new directory to hold the ASM software :

mkdir /oracle/app/oracle/product/grid11

9.      Run . oraenv grid11
10.  Unset TNS_ADMIN, make sure that all $ORA* environment variables point to a new Oracle directory
11.  Unpack the file from the p.1 and start the installer from the unpacked directory in XWindows:

export DISPLAY=<myipaddress>:0

12.  Oracle will offer several options. Choose option 2 (“Configure Grid Infrastucture for Standalone server”). Follow the instructions and enter the new ORACLE_HOME for the 11g grid installation :
13.  When asked to enter a new diskgroup name, enter DUMMY_DATA and choose the dummy disk created in p.1 from the list of available disks. Choose “External redundancy” radio button.
14.  At the end of the upgrade you will be asked to run root.sh as user root. Please ask UNIX admin to do that and accept all default values during the run; review the output.
15.  After the installation is completes move the +ASM pfile out of DUMMY_DATA into $ORACLE_HOME/dbs as follows:

. oraenv +ASM
sqlplus "/ as sysasm"
create pfile='/oracle/app/oracle/product/grid11/dbs/init+ASM.ora'from spfile;
shutdown immediate;
startup pfile='/oracle/app/oracle/product/grid11/dbs/init+ASM.ora';
alter diskgroup DUMMY_DATA mount;
drop diskgroup DUMMY_DATA including contents;
create spfile from pfile;
alter system set spfile='/oracle/app/oracle/product/grid11/dbs/spfile+ASM.ora';
shutdown immediate;

16.  Make sure that the updated +ASM entry in the /etc/oratab looks like this:


17.  Make sure that +ASM instance is running, if not – start it from the new $ORACLE_HOME

sqlplus / as sysasm

18.  Mount all diskgroups manually for the first time.
19.  Grant sysasm to sys in the new +ASM instance

sqlplus / as sysasm
grant sysasm to sys;

20.  Check that the new +ASM instance has all diskgroups mounted :

Sqlplus / as sysdba @/oracle/app/oracle/local/asm/asm_diskgroups

21.  Ensure that the listener.ora is configured properly.  Remove the listener.ora from the oracle home
vi /oracle/app/oracle/product/

22.  Register the correct listener with CRS.
. oraenv grid11
srvctl stop lsnr
srvctl remove lsnr
srvctl add listener -l listener -p 1521 -o /oracle/app/oracle/product/
srvctl start lsnr

23.  Restart ASM, Mount all diskgroups and start all databases on the box.


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